Élodie Simard & Nicolas Beaupré, the founders of Mateina Yerba Mate share their experience following their passage to the Quebec version of Dragons Den. After their appearance on May 18, 2022, here they are, in an interview one year later with David Côté, co-founder of Loop Mission; a gin mate in hand!
Challenges overcome & dreams realized; energy infusions, a growing beverage category! Beyond the classic energy drinks, energy infusions such as yerba mate, guayusa, matcha & many others have taken their place on the market. People seem to be looking more than ever for healthier alternatives to conventional energy drinks!
“In 2017, when we were talking about Yerba Mate, 95% of people had no idea what it was. Today, Yerba Mate has earned a place in the daily lives of thousands of Canadians! Getting so many people to discover this naturally energizing plant is a mission well accomplished!”
Today, in 2023, would you recommend Dans l'oeil du dragon to another start-up?
“100%! Having the opportunity to showcase our business in front of millions of people is probably one of the most rewarding opportunities we've experienced in our entrepreneurial journey.”
What has your passage to the show Dans l'oeil du dragon brought you?
“Basically, we've won the lottery!
Beyond the accelerated growth and tremendous exposure the show has given us, the best part of the deal (let's admit it) is definitely the support, advice & friendship we've developed with David Côté. A huge thank you to Radio-Canada for making such a great opportunity available to young local companies. It really makes a difference!”
As business owners, if we had a global vision of what the road would look like and all the ways to undertake to get there, we probably wouldn't have done it. Offering high-quality organic products and introducing a whole new category of beverages has been quite a challenge, but it is with great determination that we have succeeded!
Cheers to that! 🧉
Watch May 2022 program HERE
Watch the 2023 interview HERE